Oh hello Saturday!:) I'm so in the jazzy mood now.Haha
Don't really know jazz music until someone introduced me few years back. Been listening to Karen Mok's new jazz album songs lately. 倾国倾城 is on my most played list. :)
oh hello!:) fyi, im having holidays now. been watching movies, movies and movies. I always love watching rom-com (romance/romantic-comedy) and i would really like to share one of my favourite movies- The Five-Year Engagement.
有一幕真的有被touch到,就是在女生亲人的丧礼,前男友跟女主角的对话,前男友带着四岁的女儿,告诉女主角说:" This is my daughter, she's four, this is what four looks like."
"There is no perfect cookie, you just gotta pick one and take a bite."